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Smokepin on plate

Image source: Traeger Pellet Grills

Delicious smoked bacon

February 12 2019

By Ole Gravrok

Cold smoked bacon tastes a bit like heaven! You can’t possibly compare it to the store bought bacon, which is pumped full of water. The longer you smoke your bacon, the more intense the taste. This recipe is based off of pork ribs, and I usually get 4kg of bacon from 5kg of pork ribs. So if you dust off the old calculator, you’ll notice that you get a lot of top quality bacon, for a cheap price. I like to buy the pork ribs in bulk, and make a huge batch of bacon, with the help of Smokepins.

A little warning: when you’ve tried cold smoking your own bacon, you can never go back to store bought.

What you need:

1 kg pork ribs
1 dl salt (100 gr salt per kg)
Use nitrate salt if you want to preserve the red color of the meat
7-8 Smokepins
If you’re feeling experimental try adding sugar, honey or garlic

How to do it:

Step 1:
Cover your pork ribs in salt and leave them in the refrigerator

Step 2:
Take out the pork ribs and wash away any excess salt. Dry off with a tea towel and put the pork ribs back in the refrigerator to dry for about 2 days. The meat needs to be completely dry before smoking.

Step 3:
Put the pork ribs in your smoke container and begin the cold smoking. Use 1 Smokepin at a time, and switch to a new one when there’s no smoke left in the container. Remember there needs to only be a slight bit of airflow, so the Smokepin doesn’t burn down too fast. With the 15-pack of Smokepins, you can repeat this recipe twice.

Step 4:
After using 7 Smokepins your pork ribs should be ready for maturation. Find a cool place, preferably with a smokey smell and where insects can’t get to your delicious product.

Step 5:
Let the pork ribs mature for 10-14 days. The maturation process is just as important as the smoking itself!

Step 6:
Enjoy an out-of-this-world food experience.