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Smokepin on plate

Image source: Smokepins burning (Photo: Ole Gravrok)

How to use Smokepins TM

June 7 2018

By Ole Gravrok

Have any questions regarding Smokepins?
Here are instructions on how to use them, as well as some of our own cold smoking tips and tricks!

How to turn your Smokepins on.

- Turn on a "Smokepin" at the end with the largest opening.
- When there is fire throughout the ring, the flame goes out. Make sure its still glowing all around.
- Insert the Smokepin into the included steel holder with the glowing end pointed up.
- Place the glowing Smokepin in the bottom of your smoke oven, charcoal grill or even cardboard box.
The airflow in the "stove" must be minimal (a small opening from the bottom and top allowing the flow of air through).
- A Smokepin burns for approx. 1 hour and 25 min. depending on conditions. If it blows too much or there is too much air supply, your Smokepins will burn faster.

How many Smokepins do I need?

- Depending on what you are cold smoking, the number of Smokepins needed will change. Our standard 12 pack of Smokepins is more than enough to prepare one meal, but please do feel free to ask us any questions, or check out our very own recipes.

When is it best to cold smoke?

- In cold smoking, the temperature must not exceed 25 degrees, so keep that in mind on sunny days. And since Smokepins only give a temperature rise of approx. 1-7 degrees depending on conditions they cannot be used in freezing degrees. The best result is obtained if the humidity is not too high, so try to avoid cold smoking on very rainy days.

How can I salt my meat and fish?

Dry or low salt can be added. - Dry salting is done by covering the fresh produce with coarse salt and any spices of your preference. The salting time is between 4-8 hours and up to 1 day, depending on the thickness of the meat. - At low salt, salt and sugar are dissolved in water and the fresh meat is then added. The salting time is between 6-12 hours. The benefit of this method is that your food will be evenly salted throughout.

It is important that the fresh food is completely dry before smoking.

- If the product is not completely dry before smoking, you risk the smoke particles not penetrating the meat or fish! The product must have a finger-dry surface to be ready for smoking.
- Wipe the product with paper, tea towel, newspaper or any other cloth and place it in a cool place for drying, for example in a refrigerator or if you are outdoors, just hang it in the shade. The drier the product, the better it absorbs the smoke.

How do I get a smoother taste?

- If you want a more intense smoke taste or if large chunks of meat are smoked, for example animal chews etc, just simply use more Smokepins and let the meat smoke for a longer time!

Why is the ripening process after smoking is important?

- The liquid evaporates and the smoke acid is pulled into the meat or fish. It is want gives the food a distinctive taste.
- In the ripening process, the smoke acid is spreads through the meat, evening the taste.
- It is my recommendation that the meat or fish is not eaten directly from the "smoke oven", but that time is devoted to the ripening.
- DO NOT put the meat or fish to ripen in a tightly closed bag. The liquid cannot evaporate in a tightly closed bag!
- Place or hang the meat in a cool place for ripening, where you can still smell a bit of smoke, but where no flies or other insects can bother you.